Master Institute of Visual Cultures – BE THE FUTURE OF SOMETHING ELSE

The Master Institute of Visual Cultures (MIVC) is part of St. Joost School of Art & Design, which is part of the Avans University of Applied Science. All four Master pathways of the MIVC are housed within a single campus location, close to the heart of the city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch.

 4 student portrets: about the: Master Institute of Visual Cultures – Master of Fine Art and Design

Student Portrait: Jiyoung Cho:  What matters is how you think of yourself rather than what others think.
Student Portrait: Jard Everdink: Art is for me a disruption of routine refueling and a personal expression
Student Portrait: Yanxian Zhao: Art is a mytholohy that allows me to deconstruct and reconstruct my identity
Student Portrait: Tea Ferrari: Design the future be aware of the past

 Opdrachtgever: AKV.St.Joost – Master Institue of Visual Cultures
Idee: Ilse van Loon
Regie | Camera | Montage: Ilse van Loon
Interview:  Anne-Marije van den Bersselaar